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Important Notes:

  1. Manulife Advanced Fund SPC – Defined Return Segregated Portfolio I (the “Manulife Defined Return Fund” or the “Fund”) invests primarily in a portfolio of fixed income securities in the United States over an investment period of approximately two years from the Inception Date up to the Maturity Date, which may involve geographical concentration, credit/counterparty, interest rate, downgrading, sovereign debt, valuation and credit ratings risks. The Fund is not expected to invest in any fixed income securities rated below investment grade.
  2. The Fund is designed to, on a best efforts basis, return Shareholders’ initial investment – plus any gains realized through both its primary and residual investments – on the Maturity Date. An ancillary portion of net assets of the Fund may be invested in, among other instruments, financial derivative instruments (“FDIs”) linked to the Hang Seng Index, the Reference Index. Risks associated with FDIs include counterparty/credit risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk and over-the-counter transaction risk. Exposure to FDIs may lead to a high risk of significant loss by the Fund.  The Fund is not a bank deposit and no guarantee of the repayment of principal.
  3. The Fund will be closed to subsequent subscriptions after the Initial Offer Period, unless the Directors, in their absolute discretion and without the obligation of issuing any prior notice to existing Shareholders, determines to re-open a particular Class or Classes of the Fund for subscription after the Initial Offer Period.
  4. The duration of the Fund is limited, subject to the Investment Manager’s discretion to defer the Maturity Date for up to three months. Neither the income nor capital of the Fund is guaranteed at or before maturity. Investors are advised to consider whether the expected investment period of approximately two years is suitable for their intended objectives before they invest in the Fund. In case investors redeem the Fund before the Maturity Date, (a) redemption proceeds may be lower than the investors’ initial investments; (b) a fee of up to 1% of the total redemption amount will be charged; (c) the decrease in fund size of the Fund resulting from the redemptions may lead to adverse impact on investors’ return, which (d) may trigger the early termination of the Fund (e) and/ or affect the Fund’s ability to pay out redemption or proceeds to investors.
  5. The Fund may involve substantial redemption risk and early termination risk. If there are substantial redemptions within a short period of time, the Fund may need to liquidate some positions prematurely at an inopportune time or on unfavourable terms. The value of the Fund may therefore be adversely affected. Substantial redemptions may render the size of the Fund to shrink significantly and trigger the compulsory redemption of the remaining Shareholders.
  6. Investment involves risk. The Fund may expose its investors to capital loss. Investors should not make decisions based on this material alone and should read the offering document for details, including the risk factors, charges and features of the Fund and its share classes..
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Seeking investment certainty in uncertain times

In today’s dynamic and ever-changing investment world, investors are seeking an investment strategy to participate in the potential upside of the equity market while minimizing risks. By combining the merits of U.S. government bonds and Hong Kong equities, Manulife Defined Return Fund aims to provide total return comprising of (i) investors’ initial investment money after the subscription fee deduction ("initial investment") and (ii) potential additional gain of initial investment over an investment period of around 2 years.


A low-risk solution aiming to provide a defined return plus potential additional gain

*For illustrative purpose only. The Fund will adopt a buy and hold strategy with active risk monitoring. Over the fixed investment period, the value of the Fund’s assets may fluctuate due to market movements and consequently, the resulting asset allocation between primary and residual investments may vary and may not be exactly reflective of the Fund’s intended asset allocation as disclosed in the offering document.

*For illustrative purpose only. The Fund will adopt a buy and hold strategy with active risk monitoring. Over the fixed investment period, the value of the Fund’s assets may fluctuate due to market movements and consequently, the resulting asset allocation between primary and residual investments may vary and may not be exactly reflective of the Fund’s intended asset allocation as disclosed in the offering document.

Why U.S. government bonds? Security of capital with high liquidity

  • With a total size of more than USD 25 trillion, U.S. government bonds are considered as one of the most liquid assets with low credit risks as their interest and principal are backed by the U.S. government.
  • Major holders of U.S. government bonds include the Federal Reserve, foreign government and central banks, and financial institutions like pension funds and banks.


Holder breakdown of U.S. government bonds market1

Why Hang Seng Index? Valuations at historical low

  • As of December 2023, the estimated price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of Hang Seng Index stood at around 8.8X and was among the lowest over the past decade.
  • The past decade data shows that the hit rate of the Hang Seng Index posting more than 8% price return in 2 years was roughly 64%, when the estimated P/E ratio fell below 10.


Estimated P/E ratio of Hang Seng Index (times)2

Manulife Defined Return Fund

The Fund aims to provide a defined return plus additional gain potential over an investment period of around 2 years. Under the best-case scenario, if the Hang Seng Index reaches or exceeds the pre-determined level on the observation date3, the Fund aims to deliver:

  1. A defined return, and
  2. A defined additional return at maturity.

Otherwise, the Fund aims to deliver a defined return at maturity, even if the Hang Seng Index records negative price return.


Illustrative price return of Hang Seng Index (%)

For illustration purpose only.

Illustrative price return of Hang Seng Index (%)

For illustration purpose only.

Aims to deliver potential returns whilst securing capital preservation



For illustration purpose only.

*Subject to up to 1% redemption charge before the maturity date

Fund Information

Fund name Manulife Advanced Fund SPC – Defined Return Segregated Portfolio I
Investment objective The Fund’s primary investment objective is to provide total return by investing primarily in a portfolio of fixed income securities in the United States (“US”) over an investment period of approximately two years from the Inception Date up to the Maturity Date. The Fund is designed to, on a best efforts basis, return Shareholders’ initial investment through its primary investments – plus any gains realized through both its primary and residual investments – on the Maturity Date.
Initial offer period February 19, 2024 – March 8, 2024 (no subscription after IPO period)
Inception date March 11, 2024
Maturity date7 On or around March 31, 2026 (around 2 years)
Reference index Hang Seng Index
Pre-determined level8 108%
Defined return9 101%
Indicative defined additional return10 Around 14%
Base currency USD
Available share classes AA (USD)       ISIN code: KYG5800M5689
Initial subscription fee11 Currently up to 5% of the NAV per Share
Dealing frequency Daily redemption
Redemption charge11 1.00%
Management fee11 Currently 0.60% p.a.



Manulife Investment Management’s expertise

We are the global wealth and asset management segment of Manulife Financial Corporate, we draw on more than 150 years of financial stewardship to partner our clients globally.

27+ years

investment experience of lead manager



investment experts across asset classes12


USD 149.7 billion

in AUM of multi-asset solutions13


Unless otherwise stated, all information sources are from Manulife Investment Management, as of December 31, 2023. Projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events, targets, management discipline or other explanations are only current as of the data indicated. There is no assurance that such events will occur, and if they were to occur, the result may be significantly different than that shown here. Investment involves risk. Investors should not make investment decisions based on this material alone and should read the offering document for details, including the risk factors, charges and features of the product. This material has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission. Issued by Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited.

  1. Source: Bloomberg, based on latest data as of September 30, 2023.
  2. Source: Bloomberg, as of December 31, 2023. Based of daily data. For illustrative purpose only. Investor could not directly invest into the index. Past performance is not an indicator for future performance.
  3. Source: Manulife Investment Management, as of March 12, 2024. For illustrative purpose. Initial date and observation date are set as March 12, 2024 and March 24, 2026. These dates are for reference only. Actual dates are to be determined by the Investment Manager upon the implementation of the investment based on market situations.
  4. Source: Manulife Investment Management, as of March 12, 2024. Hang Seng Index is rebased to 100 on the initial date. Pre-determined level = (closing price of Hang Seng Index on the observation date / closing price of Hang Seng Index on the initial date) x 100%.
  5. Source: Manulife Investment Management, as of March 12, 2024. Return is not guaranteed. Assuming non-default of U.S. government.
  6. Source: Manulife Investment Management, as of March 12, 2024. Return is not guaranteed. The defined additional return is subject to market pricing upon the implementation of the investment.
  7. Subject to the Investment Manager’s discretion to defer the Maturity Date for up to three months.
  8. Source: Manulife Investment Management, as of March 12, 2024. Hang Seng Index is rebased to 100 on the Initial date. Pre-determined level = (closing price of Hang Seng Index on the observation date / closing price of Hang Seng Index on the initial date) x 100%.
  9. Source: Manulife Investment Management, as of March 12, 2024. Return is not guaranteed. Assuming non-default of U.S. government.
  10. Source: Manulife Investment Management, as of March 12, 2024. Return is not guaranteed. The defined additional return is subject to market pricing upon the implementation of the investment.
  11. Such fees and charges may be increased, up to a specified permitted maximum, by giving affected shareholders at least one month’s prior notice. For Initial subscription fee, the Directors reserve the right to charge up to 6% of the NAV per Share.
  12. Source: Manulife Investment Management, as of December 31, 2023. Manulife Investment Management’s global investment professional team includes expertise from several Manulife IM affiliates and joint ventures; not all entities represent all asset classes.
  13. Source: Manulife Financial Corporation, as of December 31, 2023. AUM includes US$5.5 billion advised by MAST, managed by other Manulife IM investment teams, and US$35.7 billion allocated to investment strategies managed by other Manulife IM investment teams. The methodologies used to compile the total AUM are subject to change.