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Important Notes:

  1. Manulife Global Fund – Asia Pacific REIT Fund (“Manulife Asia Pacific REIT Fund” or the “Fund”) invests primarily in equities and equity-related securities in the Asia Pacific ex-Japan region, which exposes investors to equity market risk as well as geographic concentration and currency risk.
  2. The relevant distributing class of the Fund does not guarantee distribution of dividends, the frequency of distribution and the amount/rate of dividends. Dividends may be paid out of income, realised capital gains and/or out of capital of the Fund in respect of Inc share class(es). Dividends may be paid out of realised capital gains, capital and/or gross income while charging all or part of their fees and expenses to capital (i.e. payment of fees and expenses out of capital) in respect of MDIST (G) and R MDIST (G) share class(es). Dividends paid out of capital of the Fund amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of the amount of an investor’s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment and may result in an immediate decrease in the net asset value per share in respect of such class(es) of the Fund.
  3. The Fund invests in real estate investment trusts (“REITs”), which may expose investors to sector concentration and real estate-related risks.
  4. The Fund intends to use financial derivative instruments (“FDIs”) for investment, efficient portfolio management and/or hedging purposes.  The use of FDIs exposes the Fund to additional risks, including volatility risk, management risk, market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk.
  5. Investment involves risk. The Fund may expose its investors to capital loss. Investors should not make decisions based on this material alone and should read the offering document for details, including the risk factors, charges and features of the Fund and its share classes.
  6. Given RMB is currently not a freely convertible currency, payment of redemptions and/or dividend payment in RMB may be delayed due to the exchange controls and restrictions applicable to RMB. As offshore RMB (CNH) will be used for the valuation of RMB denominated Class(es), CNH rate may be at a premium or discount to the exchange rate for onshore RMB (CNY) and there may be significant bid and offer spreads and thus the value of the RMB denominated Class(es) will be subject to fluctuation. Any devaluation of RMB could adversely affect the value of investors’ investments in the RMB denominated Class(es) of the Fund.
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Why Asia Pacific REITs?

Consistent income return

Major Asia Pacific REITs have historically delivered a consistent dividend income. Take Singapore REITs for example, out of the 11.9% annualized total return registered during the period of 2009 to 2023, around 55% was contributed by dividend.1


Singapore REITs dividend return vs price return (%)


Professional management

REITs benefit from Asset Enhancement Initiatives, which can help to further increase property values and maintain sustainable rental income.


Active tenancy management can further increase occupancy rates.


Long-term development strategies, such as mergers and acquisitions, can further drive potential returns.

Attractive dividend yield potential

Major Asia Pacific REIT markets currently offer relatively attractive yields compared to other yield-oriented securities.


Yield comparison vs Equity/Government Bond (%)2


REIT dividend return outpaced inflation

Over the past decade, REIT dividend return in major Asia Pacific markets has offered a consistently positive carry over inflation, or “yield premium", providing an "inflation adjusted" income solution to investors.


REIT dividend return vs CPI in major Asia Pacific markets (%)3


Manulife Asia Pacific REIT Fund

With the aim to achieve stable income and capital appreciation, the Fund remains diversified across secular growth sectors (industrial/Data Center REITs), operational recovery plays (retail/office/hospitality REITs) and potential alpha generation (non-REIT real estate stocks).

Illustrative sector allocation

For illustrative purpose only. Above allocation does not represent actual portfolio allocation.


Aims to distribute dividend monthly4

The Fund predominantly invests in REITs in Singapore, Hong Kong SAR and Australia as they offer relatively higher and stable dividend yields.


Illustrative market allocation5



Dividend schedule


(The distribution yield is not guaranteed. Distribution may be paid out of capital. Refer to Important Note 2)

*Applicable to monthly distribution share classes only.

Manulife Investment Management’s expertise

120+ years

investment management experience in Asia


USD 147 billion

assets under management and administration in Asia7



investment professionals based in Asia8


The Fund is authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (“SFC”). SFC’s authorisation of the fund is not made under the Code on Real Estate Investment Trust and does not imply official recommendation.

  1. Source: Bloomberg, from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2023. Singapore REITs measured by FTSE ST Real Estate Investment Trusts Index.
  2. Source: Bloomberg, as of January 31, 2024. REIT Yield: Singapore REIT – FTSE ST Real Estate Investment Trusts Index, Hong Kong REIT – FTSE EPRA Nareit Hong Kong Index, Australia REIT – S&P/ASX 200 A-REIT Index. Equity Dividend Yield: Singapore equity: Straits Times Index, Hong Kong equity: Hang Seng Index, Australia equity: S&P/ASX 200 Index. For illustrative purposes only. The above yields do not represent the distribution yield of the Fund and are not an accurate reflection of the actual return that an investor will receive in all cases. A positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return. Past performance is not an indication of future results.
  3. Source: Bloomberg, from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2023. Singapore REITs measured by FTSE ST Real Estate Investment Trusts Total Return Index; Hong Kong REITs measured by FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed REITs Hong Kong Total Return Index; Australia REITs measured by S&P/ASX 200 A-REIT Total Return Index. Inflation measured by CPI in local markets.
  4. Applicable to monthly distribution share classes only.
  5. For illustrative purpose only. Above allocation does not represent actual portfolio allocation.
  6. Source: Manulife Investment Management, as of March 1, 2024, refers only to Class AA (USD) MDIST(G). Annualised yield = [(1+distribution per unit/ex-dividend NAV) ^distribution frequency per annum]–1, the annualised dividend yield is calculated on the basis of the latest relevant dividend distribution and dividend reinvested, and may be higher or lower than the actual annual dividend yield. Please note that dividend is not guaranteed, and a positive dividend yield does not imply a positive return. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
  7. Manulife Investment Management. Data as of December 31, 2023. Value of assets under management is rounded up to the nearest USD 1 billion.
  8. Source: Manulife Investment Management, as of December 31, 2023. Manulife Investment Management’s global investment professional team includes expertise from several Manulife IM affiliates and joint ventures; not all entities represent all asset classes.