(Only Chinese version is available.)
近年來,從美國德州極寒天氣,到中國北方沙塵肆虐,再到日本梅雨鋒面來襲,頻繁的極端天氣引發全球關注。在此背景下,ESG(Environmental,Social and Governance,環境、社會和企業管治)投資熱度持續高漲。
Better income – Aim for higher, not the highest
If we focus too much on chasing the highest yield and upfront yield generation, we could suffer from early capital depletion and miss the total return opportunity towards the later stages of the investment journey.
Cash is king?
Amid volatile market conditions and higher interest rates, seeking security by burying your savings in a deposit account is tempting. As the saying goes, “cash is king”. Or is it?
Better Income
A “Better Income” approach seeks to understand an investor’s investment objective alongside the underlying risk of certain levels of income generation. “Better” income may not refer to the highest income level but the stability and consistency of reasonably higher yields generated throughout various market cycles.
(Only Chinese version is available.)
近年來,從美國德州極寒天氣,到中國北方沙塵肆虐,再到日本梅雨鋒面來襲,頻繁的極端天氣引發全球關注。在此背景下,ESG(Environmental,Social and Governance,環境、社會和公司治理)投資熱度持續高漲。
1 資料來源:聯合國及各國統計局,截至2020年10月。
2 資料來源:Global Carbon Atlas,引用時間2021年6月1日。
Better income – Aim for higher, not the highest
If we focus too much on chasing the highest yield and upfront yield generation, we could suffer from early capital depletion and miss the total return opportunity towards the later stages of the investment journey.
Cash is king?
Amid volatile market conditions and higher interest rates, seeking security by burying your savings in a deposit account is tempting. As the saying goes, “cash is king”. Or is it?
Better Income
A “Better Income” approach seeks to understand an investor’s investment objective alongside the underlying risk of certain levels of income generation. “Better” income may not refer to the highest income level but the stability and consistency of reasonably higher yields generated throughout various market cycles.