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  • Better income – Aim for higher, not the highest

    If we focus too much on chasing the highest yield and upfront yield generation, we could suffer from early capital depletion and miss the total return opportunity towards the later stages of the investment journey.

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  • Cash is king?

    Amid volatile market conditions and higher interest rates, seeking security by burying your savings in a deposit account is tempting. As the saying goes, “cash is king”. Or is it?

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  • Better Income

    A “Better Income” approach seeks to understand an investor’s investment objective alongside the underlying risk of certain levels of income generation. “Better” income may not refer to the highest income level but the stability and consistency of reasonably higher yields generated throughout various market cycles.

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(Only Chinese version is available.)






以中國汽車行業舉例,要實現「碳達峰、碳中和」的目標,發展新能源汽車減少碳排放是汽車企業的不二選擇。根據2020年中國政府發佈的《新能源汽車產業發展規劃(2021-2035 年)》,到2025年,中國新能源汽車新車銷量估算佔比要達到20%左右。根據規劃估算,到2025年中國新能源汽車銷量可達643萬輛,複合增速約 36%。在這輪新能源汽車推廣過程中,無疑孕育較多的投資機會。



以中國汽車行業舉例,要實現「碳達峰、碳中和」的目標,發展新能源汽車減少碳排放是汽車企業的不二選擇。根據2020年中國政府發佈的《新能源汽車產業發展規劃(2021-2035 年)》,到2025年,中國新能源汽車新車銷量估算佔比要達到20%左右。根據規劃估算,到2025年中國新能源汽車銷量可達643萬輛,複合增速約 36%。在這輪新能源汽車推廣過程中,無疑孕育較多的投資機會。


1 資料來源:《聯合早報》公開報導,2021年2月21日。

2 資料來源:韓聯社公開報導,2021年5月25日。

3 資料來源:晨星網《晨星ESG研究 | 三季度亞洲可持續基金資產大增75%》,2020年11月26日。



  • Better income – Aim for higher, not the highest

    If we focus too much on chasing the highest yield and upfront yield generation, we could suffer from early capital depletion and miss the total return opportunity towards the later stages of the investment journey.

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  • Cash is king?

    Amid volatile market conditions and higher interest rates, seeking security by burying your savings in a deposit account is tempting. As the saying goes, “cash is king”. Or is it?

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  • Better Income

    A “Better Income” approach seeks to understand an investor’s investment objective alongside the underlying risk of certain levels of income generation. “Better” income may not refer to the highest income level but the stability and consistency of reasonably higher yields generated throughout various market cycles.

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