(Only Chinese version is available.)
《2021全球機構投資者調查》顯示,36%的受訪機構投資者表示,將在2021年底前,提升社會議題在ESG決策中的佔比1。 這意味著,越來越多投資者意識到,盈利不再是衡量企業的唯一尺規,積極踐行社會責任,主動與社會形成良性互動等也是考量一家企業是否優質的重要因素。事實證明,家庭消費的增加、醫療支出等社會因素確實是企業發展,以及經濟增長的關鍵驅動力。過去三至五年中,受社會因素影響的行業表現優於MSCI亞洲指數2。
Better income – Aim for higher, not the highest
If we focus too much on chasing the highest yield and upfront yield generation, we could suffer from early capital depletion and miss the total return opportunity towards the later stages of the investment journey.
Cash is king?
Amid volatile market conditions and higher interest rates, seeking security by burying your savings in a deposit account is tempting. As the saying goes, “cash is king”. Or is it?
Better Income
A “Better Income” approach seeks to understand an investor’s investment objective alongside the underlying risk of certain levels of income generation. “Better” income may not refer to the highest income level but the stability and consistency of reasonably higher yields generated throughout various market cycles.
(Only Chinese version is available.)
《2021全球機構投資者調查》顯示,36%的受訪機構投資者表示,將在2021年底前,提升社會議題在ESG決策中的佔比1。 這意味著,越來越多投資者意識到,盈利不再是衡量企業的唯一尺規,積極踐行社會責任,主動與社會形成良性互動等也是考量一家企業是否優質的重要因素。事實證明,家庭消費的增加、醫療支出等社會因素確實是企業發展,以及經濟增長的關鍵驅動力。過去三至五年中,受社會因素影響的行業表現優於MSCI亞洲指數2。
1 資料來源:MSCI《2021全球機構投資者調查》,引用時間:2021年6月2日。
2 資料來源:彭博、明晟、海通國際,行業均值包括市值超10億美元的公司;引用時間:2021年6月2日。
Better income – Aim for higher, not the highest
If we focus too much on chasing the highest yield and upfront yield generation, we could suffer from early capital depletion and miss the total return opportunity towards the later stages of the investment journey.
Cash is king?
Amid volatile market conditions and higher interest rates, seeking security by burying your savings in a deposit account is tempting. As the saying goes, “cash is king”. Or is it?
Better Income
A “Better Income” approach seeks to understand an investor’s investment objective alongside the underlying risk of certain levels of income generation. “Better” income may not refer to the highest income level but the stability and consistency of reasonably higher yields generated throughout various market cycles.