Manulife Investment Management is a signatory to the UNPRI and pays a signatory fee calculated based on AUM as reported in the PRI's latest Annual Reporting and Assessment Framework, published in December 2023. It is compulsory for signatories to report on their responsible investment activities annually. The PRI assesses a signatory's activities according to its assessment methodology, and its output includes the PRI Assessment Report and Transparency Report from which this summary scorecard was sourced. Visit the PRI website for details and assessment methodology.
The percentage score is based on the points scored in all applicable assessed indicators for each module. It is calculated as the total points achieved divided by the total points available (only considering applicable indicators) in the module. Indirect modules relate to the ‘Manager Selection, Appointment and Monitoring (SAM)’ modules of the PRI reporting framework.
1 Manulife Investment Management currently does not manage any passive equity strategies where the investment mandates or policies permits us to incorporate ESG considerations into investment decisions. For assets managed by our passive listed equities strategies, we are an active steward where we review and vote proxy and engage investee companies.
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©1999 - 2025 Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited
General Risk Disclosure
Manulife Global Fund
Manulife Advanced Fund SPC
Manulife Hong Kong Series
General Risk Disclosure
Manulife Global Fund
Manulife Advanced Fund SPC
Manulife Hong Kong Series